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home learning



Home learning is essential to being successful in Ms. Campmany's class. Your sketchbook is where you will complete home learning. There is published research that art activity lowers blood pressure and relaxes; thereby increasing focus and concentration. All students must sign a Homework Promise Contract that states they will work 30 minutes every day (and only 30 minuites per day) at the start of homework time.


Sixth graders are required to add two sketchbook pages per week.


Seventh graders are required to produce three completed sketchbook pages per week. Completed means that each page has a foreground, middle distance, and background!


Eighth graders are required to complete four pages per week. The goal is for students to have at least 100 finished sketches for high school auditions. 


Eighth graders are encouraged to work across the gutter  (the middle indentation) of your sketchbook. Furthermore, eighth graders should make every attempt to show innovation and experimentation with both images and media!

Updated August 20, 2022

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