Class Assignments must be done in class
Assignments in Ms. Campmany's classes combine Next Generation Sunshine State Standards on the State level, with Authentic Assessments on the District level, Ms. Campmany's special combination of materials and subject matter in the classroom helps students create individualized portfolio pieces!

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Scholastics Art Awards are our only National Competitions. Art is judged first at the Regional Level. If the piece is adjudicated into the show, it receives either an Honorable Mention, a Silver Key, or the highest award of Gold Key. If a piece is awarded a Gold Key it is sent to be juried at the National Level.
Our students have been awarded Gold Keys Regionally and Silver Keys nationally. This self-portrait was awarded a Silver Key Nationally.
Click here to view our award winners for the 2022-2021 School Year

Authentic Assessments
​​Miami-Dade County Public School Students participate in different shows and contests throughout the year in different venues. Some shows are repeated yearly. Superintendent's Holiday Card Competition is one of these. Ms Campmany's students have been winners consisitently of the card itself, program cover and poster design for the past five years.

Artists' References
While it would be ideal for our student artists to work en plein air, standing in front of whatever we chose to paint or draw, it is not realistic or even desirable in some circumstances.
For that reason, it is imperative that artists become familiar working with digital cameras and programs such as Photoshop for editing these images. At the end of the 7th grade school year,
Ms. Campmany meets with students and parents to encourage students to take digital images over summer vacation.
After taking multiple images of nature, self-portraits, perspective, still life and anything else that presents itself, it is in the student's best interest to select the strongest images in each genre and enlarge them to 8 by 10 inches.
It is counter-productive to work with an image smaller than that in size. Working smaller can cause distortion, loss of essential details and unnecessary eye strain.