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field trips

Knowledge gained and things seen out of school enhances work done upon return.
8th Grade Articulation Field Trips

South Miami Middle Community School students are taken seriously by high schools. Because of that we are invited to visit both New World School of the Arts And Design and Architecture Senior High.


The access to visit while classes are in session and students are available to answer questions, concerns and simply give advice is immeasurable.


After visiting both schools, students usually have a sense of which school they would feel most comfortable attending, thus enabling them to make a knowledgeable selection.


My students have shared with me that when arriving for auditions they have a sense of the layout, are welcomed by alumni of SMMCS and are familiar with the audition process. The familiarity with the process is the outcome of countless practice sessions in class both with techniques and timing.


Our data shows that for the last five years over 95% of students applying to magnet high schools gain placement to their school of choice. In 2022, 100% of our graduating 8th grade students where accepted at their schools of choice!

M-DCPS Museum Education Program


Under the auspices of Ms Mabel Morales, the Museum Education Program provides educational experiences led by an M-DCPS educator at sundry museums, galleries and Dade Heritage Trust sites countywide.


Free school busses transport our students to these sites. In 2013, we were lucky enough to get invited to Art Basel at the Miami Beach Convention Center. We were further blessed to be escorted by the world renowned artist, Mr. Jose Bedia. Mr. Bedia was kind enough to squire his daughter, her classmates, and teacher around this event. Art Basel featured major galleries from around the world showcasing modern masters as well as emerging artists.


Once or twice a year, we've been able to expose students to the Art Center on Lincoln Road Mall to meet current working artists; the de la Cruz Collection to see cutting-edge modern pieces and even Historic sites around town.


In 2022 our 8th grade class was invited to Wynwood Walls under the direction of Desiree Capote, Museum Educator. She provided us inside stories and funny anecdotes about the artists and their pieces. 

Other Field Trip Opportunities

At SMMCS, we have tried to make it a yearly tradition to take a field trip close to the end of the year to celebrate the hard work the art students produce.

Depending on many factors - especially economic realities and availability of chaperones to accompany us. In previous years we have taken one day trips out of county to Palm Beach and Ft. Lauderdale, two night trips to St. Petersburg and even three days, two night trips to Washington, DC!

Due to the pandemic, field-trip planning has taken on new challenges. For 2022, we are planning an all-grades field trip to Zoo Miami.​

Updated August 20, 2022

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